The Role of BIM Manager and Department Standardization

Firms that work in design construction or contracting often adopt BIM into their processes due to the vast advantages associated with BIM. It can bring a lot to the table when combined with proper standards and policies.

Companies often implement BIM without any standardization or put someone in charge that does not know how to correctly implement or utilize the tools provided. Doing such can create a negative culture that takes years to correct, and ultimately, BIM can be viewed as a burden where the cons outweigh the pros. A lack of departmental standards can also create a communication gap between teams. Standardization can be implemented in rules and policies, objects and families, formatting, and even consistency in performing certain functions.

BIM was not only introduced to produce drawings or models, but to boost the efficiency of users. Although the concept of BIM goes back to the 1960s, it was not heavily adopted until the 2010s. It became essential after the number of users grew, and it started becoming a requirement by general contractors, owners, and municipalities. It is no longer enough to use the 3D model for the sake of using BIM. When utilized correctly, there are a vast number of opportunities and benefits.

What exactly does a BIM Manager do? A BIM Manager is important in a department to keep order, create and maintain processes, increase communication between departments, and to be the subject matter expert. A BIM Coordinator supervises the creation of the 3D model, and the schedules, data, and drawings associated with it. They also enforce the BIM execution plan and ensure that the schedule is being maintained throughout the project. A BIM Manager does not necessarily need to be an expert in BIM modeling. Their job is to make sure that the team creating the models has the data they need, has access to the software and hardware required, are maintaining desired workflows, and are helping to collaborate with other teams.

Standardization is the key to a successful BIM workforce. Employees often waste hours or even days on something because they want to complete a task their own way. A company should have proper rules and standards with documentation to back it up. Department standardization plays a key role and eliminates any guesswork. When firms standardize their administration and management, the team can shift their focus to implementing innovative ideas.

In order for an investment in BIM to be made feasible, a company needs to implement BIM standards and have someone that can maintain them across all projects.